Blogging has helped me deal with circumstances in better ways. For example, the other night, DH and I went to dinner and a basketball game with some friends. I love these friends, especially the wife, and seeing them is always a treat because we don't seem them very often. We always laugh a lot with this couple. During the past year and a half, the four of us have bonded over IF issues and they have both been very in tune with our IVF attempts. So over dinner, after asking all kinds of questions about our time in Denver -- and our declaration that if they want to try another IVF cycle, they should consider going out there -- here's what happened:
Him: We've got something to tell you.
Me: You're pregnant.
Him: Yes.
Me: Congratulations!
Him: Oh come on! F*ck you! I know that's what you want to say.
Me: No, it's not. I'm happy for you guys!
Him (laughing): Go ahead. Curse at me. Do it!!
Me: No. That's really not how I feel. I've been working on this. I've actually been blogging and wrote something about being happy for people the other day. I really, really am happy for you.
And I was being genuine. Without this blog and the community of bloggers I've met here, I might not have been able to respond that way. We talked and talked about their pregnancy and our hopes for success and I even made a great discovery: if I get pregnant, I can borrow her maternity clothes! : )
Back to the award. It comes with rules:
1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award
2) Copy the award and place it in your blog3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award
4) Tell us 7 interesting things about you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers and link to their blogs
So 7 things about me:
1. I have a black cat named Lucky. She is Lucky because I adopted her from a shelter.
2. There's a legend in my family that my grandfather eight generations back was an Indian chief who disowned his son because he married a white woman (my grandparents seven generations back). My mom's family is obsessed wih trying to substantiate this story.
3. DH and I have been married for two years, four months, and five days. We are so, so happy together.
4. In my 20s, I briefly went to nursing school and also completed about 35 hours toward a Masters of Divinity degree. Just couldn't figure out what to do with my life!
5. Until 2006, I had not travelled outside the U.S. beyond a brief excursion across the border to Mexico and a trip to Montreal and Quebec. Since 2006, I have been to England, Scotland, Costa Rica, Finland, Estonia, Sweden, France, Ireland, and Italy.
6. I can bake an awesome chocolate chess pie using my maternal grandmother's recipe. When I had to give up all caffeine (including chocolate) last November, I learned to bake a pecan pie using my paternal grandmother's recipe. It is awesome, too, if I may say so myself!
7. I love to read, especially during the summer months. One of my all-time favorite books is The Brothers K by David James Duncan.
Seven bloggers to nominate:
I am going to fail here. I am still so new to the blogosphere, I haven't even been follwing seven blogs. But here are a few, in addition to AmyG's When you gotta glow:
1. Pie at Slice of Pie, who is about a week or two ahead of me in all of this and one of my new friends in the blogosphere
2. Arminta at Life Family and the Pursuit of Sanity who just finished her first trimester and has the most adorable two-inch-long baby
3. Lynn at Wistful Girl, the only other Georgian I've encountered on here
4. Mo at Life and Love in the Petri Dish, who provided early encouragement for me to get engaged in the blogosphere, with her list of CCRM bloggers and her great CCRM stories
I've also been reading Mel's Stirrup Queens, but nominating her for this award would be like saying that perhaps Katharine Hepburn or Meryl Streep should be nominated for an Oscar. I'm sure she's already been awarded every award there is. I love reading her blog.
So that's about it. I'm really grateful for this community of courageous, hopeful and kind women.
Awwww, thanks for the award! and I'm so glad to hear your story about being happy for your friend's pregnancy. It is so hard to find that, I go back in forth in being well-adjusted, and well...not. But I always remind myself that no one deserves to have IF, and I'm happy for all that can overcoming it.
ReplyDeleteAnd even though your nurse said 5-6 weeks for your MA results, do not believe her. They have to say that, cover their butts. Seriously, since the New Year, no one I know has waited more than 3 weeks and a couple days. Mine was 2 weeks, 4 days since they mailed the samples off. It will be soon for you - maybe next week??? Be ready!!
I think its great that this blog has brought you that peace in order to be happy for others. I hope I can make it there one day too. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats on the award. How were all the after parties? haha
I'm having a similar experience in that participating in this community helps me be happy for people. I sort of forget that getting pregnant isn't a huge project for most people. I met the visibly pregnant sister of a friend a little while ago and thought, "Yay for her! Her years of struggle are over (for now)." It's a very useful illusion to have!